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Ease of Handling

The second phase in a Working Equitation competition is the Ease of Handling and is the trademark of the sport. There are usually between 8 to 15 obstacles numbered in the order they are to be completed. The rider chooses their navigation from one obstacle to the next in their level's prescribed gait. Riders receive scores from 0 to 10 for each obstacle including collective marks. The scores are calculated into a percentage. 


The Obstacles:

  1. Bridge

  2. Figu

  3. Pen

  4. Jug

  5. Remove Pole

  6. Spear Ring

  7. Replace pole

  8. Switch Cup

  9. Bell Corridor

  10. Reinback "L"

  11. Rounding Posts

  12. Single Slalom

  13. Double Slalom

  14. Gate

  15. Jump

  16. Sidepass Rail

  17. Water

  18. Bank

  19. Drums


Level 1  Introductory is Walk/Trot


Level 2 Novice A adds cantering between obstacles


Level 3 Novice B adds cantering in obstacles with changes of leads though trot


Level 4 Intermediate A adds simple lead changes


Level 5 Intermediate B adds flying lead changes


Level 6 & 7 Advanced & Master's are ridden one-handed with flying lead changes. 


EOH Level 1.png

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New England Working Equitation is a Vermont non-profit corporation and federal 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

PO Box 22, Johnson, VT 05656 (802)730-5400

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